Sunday, 10 June 2007

Hooray assignment finished!!

Hooray my 2nd assignment for FLE finished. I'll let it sit for a couple of days then re-read and edit before submitting it. I don't know about others but I actually completed in a more formal way as I found the structure easier. I hope that sits ok. It was good covering a variety of readings in relation to social software to support the learning task that Liang and I had created. Now that I've put in the hard yards from Friday evening to now I'm going to enjoy the public holiday tomorrow with my beautiful family!!


Cathy said...

Good for you Andrew - I'm still going - but I have to agree reading the literature is certainly giving a more rounded picture of what social software entails - I feel that in some ways we have only discovered the tip of the iceberg to date - lots more to explore!

AndrewL said...

Thanks for commenting Cathy, I wondered if anyone out there would respond. Good luck with your work, I hope you are not doing too much!! I made sure I cut back a birt so as to not have to large a word count. I alomost got the feeling that less was more to some extent!

Anonymous said...

I also like to get it finish and look at it again in a while but do not always have the time... like this time. Feel the information is fresh but still a bit rushed... There certainly is plenty of information. Bill D