Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Social Bookmarking- valuable?

I must say that I'm not convinced by the phenomenon of Social Bookmarking.
"But you can access your bookmarks from any computer!" I hear you exclaim. Yeah, but if you have a personally customisable, web-based software that allows teachers and students to share school related content which includes bookmarks then social bookmarking is superfluous.
"Ah what about the tagging?" You reply. Well, there are no strict or widely accepted conventions and more to the point those people / organisations that would use the web for material gain or inappropriate activities have begun to use some of the most common tags. I would prefer to use my own web-based software for collaborating, communicating, organising, document storage, and information management. It is available anytime, anywhere, making home to school activities and school communications easier without the risk of students being exposed to inappropriate content.


Cathy said...

Yes Andrew I understand your concerns, but if your option isn't available, I think social bookmarking is a good alternative. I have shared my favourites with a couple of other colleagues who have been appreciative ...

bill_d3 said...

I think you are right to question its value if you can do the same thing in a different way. I had not seen that simple Social Bookmarking before and went from being underwhelmed to being very impressed as I am constantly having to reformat my machine, get long lines of bookmarks and forget which machine I bookmarked x, y and z on. Looks like horses for courses a bit.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

Yes I also share your views. I'm not overly convinced of the usefulness of social bookmarking. Cathy's right by saying that it is a good alternative if nothing else is available, but ideally I too would prefer to use other software or technology for communcating and collaborating with students and teachers.

Anonymous said...

W3qn3f Hello! Great blog you have! My greetings!

Anonymous said...

Great work.